Saturday, July 9, 2016

Hundreds rally against police violence.

 The Reverend Jarrett Maupin talks to over 500 assemble in the wake of police shootings and the death of Dallas officers.  Maupin organized the march to draw attention to the deaths of black Americans by police. (July 9, 2016)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

LGBT community holds vigil

Community members joined the LGBT community in a candle light vigil for the victims in Orlando, Florida. 6-13-2016

Protesters wait for Arpaio court decision

Controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio is facing possible charges for allegedly violating a federal court judge's orders.  Nearly 100 protesters waited outside the court to let their views be know. 5-31-2016

Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly campaing for Hillary

Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly appear at Hillary Clinton's campaign stop in Phoenix. 3-21-16

Hillary Clinton stumps at a local high school

Former Secretary of State and Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton, campaigned in a local inner city high school gym before a packed crowd. 3-21-16

Sanders campaign comes to town

Senator Bernie Sanders speaks to supporters as a local media camera films him from the press pen. 3-15-16

Immigration protesters march on state capital. 2016

As the Arizona state legislature considers new immigration bills, protesters march on the capital grounds.

Trump speaks to supporters.

Donald Trump points to the press core during his second campaign stop in Arizona. 12-16-2015

Gun protesters rally

Jennifer Longdon speaks before Arizonans for Gun Safety about her personal experience as a victim of random violence. 12-13-2015

Mitt Romney throws support to John McCain. 2015

Long-time Senator John McCain is facing the toughest election challenge of his career.  Former Presidential Candidate through his support to the Senator during McCain's reelection announcement. 12-12-2015

Zombies march through downtown Phoenix in annual event. 2015

The annual Zombie Walk raises donations for a local food make.  What started out a few years a go has grown from a few hundred to tens of thousands. 10-24-15

Ben Carson's Presidential Campaign comes to Phoenix

Presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson speaks to approximately 5,000 supporters in the Phoenix Convention Center.

Downtown Las Vegas

Las Vegas' downtown area has struggled to lure tourists away from the strip.  The Fremont Experience has a wide assortment of street performers, as well as, a large number of people who want assistance.

Anarchists protest in downtown Phoenix ,December 2014

A group of Anarchists marched thought the Phoenix Roosevelt district to protest police violence across the nation.  12-5-14

Senator Flake at the Phoenix VA, 2014

Arizona Senator Jeff Flake meets with Veterans outside the Phoenix VA to discuss long wait times to get treatment.  4-18-2014

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

Hundreds of small U.S. and state flags line the sidewalk in Fountain Hill, Arizona during the city's Memorial Day ceremonies. (May 26, 2014)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

1062 protest

The passion of those opposing Arizona's proposed bill 1062 is dramatically captured during a protest at the Arizona capital. The bill which was vetoed the next day by the Governor would have allowed business owners to deny services based on the concept of religious freedom.  The Arizona business community  opposed the legislation that was overwhelmingly passed by both legislative houses. (Phoenix 2/24/2014)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sudanese Protest

Outside the Phoenix Convention Center, 50 Sudanese protesters called for action in the Sudan.  The site was chosen because they wanted as much exposure as possible. (Phoenix, October 5, 2013)

Dignity and Respect March

Between one and two thousand marched through downtown Phoenix for immigration issues.  It was billed as a march for "Dignity and Respect".  (Phoenix, Oct. 5, 2013)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

McCain's townhall

While Syrian debate rages though out the country, Arizona's senior senator John McCain helds a town hall meeting in Phoenix.  Participants frequently screamed their views but the Senator was able to calmly explain to them that they would all have their turns.  The Syrian issue took the forefront of the debates.  Pro and anti Assad Syrians stood opposed in their viewpoints with equal passion.  (9/05/2013)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Syrian protests and arrests

The controversy over possible United States military action in Syria took to the streets.  Approximately, 75 protestors marched in the late evening through downtown Tempe, Arizona.  Three people were arrested.  Two for police interference and one for an outstanding warrant.  Demonstrators taunted police after each arrest.  Earlier a couple of participants were yelling "F... the press".  It could have turned real ugly but didn't. (August 31, 2013, both photographs copyrighted by Jerry Burch)
(f/2.8, 1/50 sec, 1600 iso, 24mm lens, natural light), (f/2.8, 1/50 sec, 100 iso, 24mm lens, natural light)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

ICE protest

A woman shows demonstrators her shackles through the dark tinted window of the ICE bus.
Immigration reform advocates lead demonstrations at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) headquarters in Phoenix.  The afternoon demonstration resulted in four arrests of protestors who had handcuffed themselves to the gates.  The night demonstration blocked an ICE bus containing detainees.  Reform advocates sat in-front and behind the bus.  After a four hour standoff nearing midnight, two demonstrations seated behind the transport were peacefully arrested. (Aug. 22, 2013)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Bus strike

On August 1, 2013 hundreds of bus drivers in southern Phoenix when on strike. The strike lasted a few days while over 30,000 commuters found alternate means of transportation. The strike was not over wages but working conditions.

Yarnell tribute

In Prescott nearly 10,000 participated in a tribute to the 19 firefighters who lost their lives fight a massive wildfire outside Yarnell, Az.  Yarnell is about 30 miles south of Prescott.  As members of the families and hotshot crews were leaving, lines of spectators, first responders, fire, and police from throughout the country lined the road to pay their respects.


The Zimmerman case has stirred the nation to discuss issues of race, guns, and stand your ground laws.  This was the first rally in Phoenix a day after the verdict was announced.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fisheye view

   I thought a fish-eye lens and a round tree were a good match.  The problem with this lens is that you have to keep your feet out of the way since it is has such an extreme view.  (8mm lens, 1/50 sec;   f/5.0;   ISO 100, 8-15 mm zoom, 10/30/2011)


This was sold and published in a London newspaper about four months after I took it.  I never saw the article.  It wasn't my favorite photo of the event but you never know what will sell.  That's why you take a variety of pictures at any event you are reporting. The event was one of the pro-gun rallies held at the Arizona State Capital.  The sign does clearly states this man's views.

4th Ave Jail vigil

This protest took place in-front of the 4th Avenue Jail.  The young man in the poster had died in police custody.  Family members and supporters were not satisfied with the Sheriff's departments explanation and held a vigil outside the jail's main entrance.  (1/40 sec;   f/2.8;   ISO 2500, Jan. 2012)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Greek Orthodox Monastery

This is a Greek Orthodox Monastery which is about 11 miles south of Florence, Arizona. I've always had an interest in various religions; therefore, this seemed like a good place to visit. The site is beautiful. The monks do allow visitors to tour certain areas. Men must wear long sleeves and long pants. Women must wear head scarfs, long skirts, and very modest long sleeve tops. If you don't have the required clothing, the monastery will supply it as you enter the main gate. The first photograph is of the inside of one of the several chapels on the grounds. The second is from the new chapel located on a hill overlooking the complex. (6/22/13)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Al Sharpton

The Reverend Al Sharpton dropped by the Federal Court in Phoenix to observe the judge explain what actions are needed in his decision against the Sheriff's department.  He was in town for the Baptist Convention.  The Sheriff's office, according to the judge, had violated the law in profiling Hispanics.  Sharpton walked into the courthouse without fanfare and exited to a press conference.  He left minutes later.
 (June 14, 2013)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hoover Dam

For years I watched the bridge being built which would shorten travel time to Vegas being built.  What I didn't realize was that there is a pedestrian walkway on the bridge.  It was cold and windy but the view is tremendous.


A friend asked me to be the official photographer for a priest's ordination.  She was a personal friend and wanted me to photograph all of the events for the next couple of days.  It was a fascinating experience.  The most interesting were the receptions but that is another story.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tucson-day of the dead

I'd never seen Tucson's annual "Day of the Dead" celebration.  It is one of the most amazing events in this multicultural city.  Several thousand dress in ornate costumes for the celebration that snakes through the 4th Avenue arts district, the downtown, and culminates at a park near the interstate freeway for the festivities.(11/26/11)


A couple of years ago, I went on a tour of the historic San Carlos Hotel in downtown Phoenix with a singles group for Halloween.  I thought the light and the people in the background made an interesting Halloween photo.  (10/28/10)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Occupy Phoenix Arrests

On the first day of Occupy Phoenix, the demonstrators moved from downtown Phoenix to a nearby park with a 10 o'clock closing.  A small group chose to be arrested rather than leave.  The police, after numerous warnings moved to clear the park.  About 40 were arrested before being release 24 hours later.

Lone demonstration

Working with news photography, I've come across some really interesting people.  I've seen the man holding the sign, George, on several occasions at various demonstrations from education to immigration reform.  The summer Arizona heat kept everyone away except for George who was demonstrating for a health issue.

Murder protest

The first photograph was of a demonstration after a police officer was accused of killing a hispanic man who was the subject of a welfare check.  The week-long protest took place in-front to the Phoenix Police headquarters.  A symbolic coffin was the focal point for one of the nightly protests.  At the end of the week, a murder indictment was issued. The protesters then held a rally to thank the county attorney and the Phoenix Police department for the investigation and first degree murder charge.  The trial may begin sometime in 2013.  (posted June 10, 2013) Update: the trail ended in a aggravated assault conviction that carries up to 15 years in prison.  The jury was deadlock on the 2nd degree murder and animal cruelty because the officer killed the victims dog. (posted Oct 8, 2013)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Jade Buddha

The Jade Buddha visited Mesa as part of a world tour to help raise funds for a shrine which would be build in Australia.  An Australian Buddhist businessman bought the largest jade stone ever discovered.  It was mined in Canada and sent to southeast Asia where skilled craftsman transformed into the largest sculpture single stone Buddha which weighed over 12 tons.  

Stop the Violence

The Nation of Islam held a neighborhood gathering in an effort to stop or reduce violence in the area.  The area near South Mountain which has suffered from criminal activity in the area.

Campaign 2012

Usually photographs should tell a story.  This one requires a little explanation since the story is different than you would assume from looking at the photo.   At first glance it would appear this would be a Obama rally.  In reality, it was of the crowd outside the Republican presidential debate in Mesa, Arizona.  I figure the man holding the sign amid the swarm of Republicans had to be one of the bravest or most dedicated individual you could find.

Four animals

I sometimes go to various zoos and pet shops.  It sure beats the time and expense of going to the jungles of South America, Asia, or Africa.