This site is a sample portfolio to illustrate various aspects of my work. Since it's only intended as a sample portfolio, I've disabled all of the blog features. Political photographs document events. They are NOT intended to reflect the photographer's views. A good journalist must remain neutral when covering any event. I hold the copyright to all photographs, unless otherwise noted. I can be contacted at Jgburch@gmail.com. 6/15/2016
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Greek Orthodox Monastery
This is a Greek Orthodox Monastery which is about 11 miles south of Florence, Arizona. I've always had an interest in various religions; therefore, this seemed like a good place to visit. The site is beautiful. The monks do allow visitors to tour certain areas. Men must wear long sleeves and long pants. Women must wear head scarfs, long skirts, and very modest long sleeve tops. If you don't have the required clothing, the monastery will supply it as you enter the main gate. The first photograph is of the inside of one of the several chapels on the grounds. The second is from the new chapel located on a hill overlooking the complex. (6/22/13)